HIT SERVER THE DREAM SMP!!!!!! (might include some life series and hermitcraft too?) it has. a bit of a reputation now. BUT ITS SO VERY DEAR TO ME. i started watching december 2020 and it quickly became my Entire Life. this is so much harder to make than my hfth page CAUSE THERES SO MCUH PRETTY FANART AND STUFF I WNAT TO SHOW. but again. click on the art it will take you to the artist :D

OKAY SO. if u didnt know. the dsmp was a mineraft roleplay server that was really popular in like 2020/2021. it started off just a silly server, and then it got improv roleplay and then later as it grew it got a bit more scripted! EVEN WITH THE SCRIPTED STUFF THOUGH it was mostly. people making stuff up on the spot with loads of differnt storylines and character arcs that sometimes went somehwere and sometimes didnt. ALTHOUGH U DID ALSO HAVE LIKE STUFF LIKE QUACKITYS STREAMS which were fully produced LITTERAL MOVIES. they were Cool

The characters were distinct from the content creators. (like their humour and stuff was obviously the same but they were Playing Characters) had their own backstories and beliefs and went through horrific trauma. And when i say horrific trauma IT OFTEN GOT VERY DARK. ITS ACTUALLY FUNNY HOW DARK IT GOT FOR A MINECARFT ROLEPLAY. IT WAS LIEK SO UNSERIOUS AND THEN LIKE. SOUL CRUSHING ANGST AT THE SAME TIME CRYING. C!TOMMY GO TO THERAPY (he actually did thank you c!puffy) the c! stuff actaully came from dsmp (I THINK) because people used to go like TOMMY DIED or like some horrific shit c!dream did and people kept thinking it was Real. hence c! and cc! CRYING I REMEMEBER WATCHING EXILE VODS AND THERE WERE PEOPLE IN THE COMMENTS LIKE. ARGUING OVER IF TOMMYINNIT WAS ACTUALLY BEING MANIPULATED OR NOT IRL. anwyay. the reason i bring this up is cause IM TALKING ABOUT THE CHARACTERS HERE AND NOT THE CCS!! cause some of them actually suck

ANYWAY ABOUT THE STORY ITSELF. each character had three "canon lives" so it wasn't like a hardcore server like smth like lifeseries but if a death was important to the story it might take one of their canon lives. When they lost all 3 they died and went to limbo and also sometimes came back as a ghost - usually a fucked up like. echo - FOR EXAMPLE ghostbur (ghost c!wilbur) was like. the opposite of c!wilbur. he was very spacey, talking a certain way, trailing off mid sentence and forgetting most things. He couldn't remember any of c!wilburs bad memories (which was most things towards the end of his life) HE ALSO HAS A BLUE SHEEP CALLED FRIEND. love you friend

(NOT CANON BUT i've read a few fun fics where c!dream contolled deciding whether a death was canon or not. as like the server admin AND IT WAS SO FUCKED UP /POS that is not a guy you want controlling your lives ESPECAILLY IF YOUR NAME IS C!TOMMY.)

The main story was about this country called lmanberg which had several wars fought over it and got blown up multiple times (it was basically Hamilton. so much of it was based off hamilton) and also two discs (cat and mellohi) belonging to c!tommy were relaly important too. they symbolised his attatchments and also friendship with c!tubbo... love u clingyduo. ANYWAY TEHRES LIKE LMANBURG AND POGTOPIA (THE REVOLUTION), DOOMSDAY, THE DISC FINALE AND THE PRISON AND ALSO THE EGG STUFF (which was so underused) BUT ALSO LIKE. EVERYONE ELSES MORE INDIVIDUAL STUFF?? exile, the hotel, the syndicate, las nevardas, kinoko kingdom, the butcher army, snowchester and the nuke stuff IM JUST LISTING THINGS BUT THE POINT IT WAS SO BIG I COULD GO ON FOREVER

SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO TALES OF THE SMP THOUGH which was like a spinoff series? following c!karl who was a time traveller and they were like oneshot streams exploring either the far past or future of the dsmp. THEY WERE VERY WELL PRODUCED like who big maps and cutscenes and all sorts created for them. IM PRETTY SURE?? HAVE NOT READ IT THOUGH. it had its own offical comic based off it??? WHICH IS SO COOL

The dsmp is so intresting in how u. had to be there to experince it IM SURE THERES PEOPLE WHO HAVE GOTTEN INTO IT NOW ITS OVER?? (im actually not sure of this) but. okay one. theyre missing out on the experince of waiting for lore and then having lore days and having to flick between 5 differnt streams at once to watch these minecraft men yell at eachother through differnt povs AND TWO. ITS LIKE SO MUCH FUCKING CONTENT hours and hours of vods from like 30+ members. some of the lore just.. scattered in the middle. some of these streams like an hour long. some like 6. SOME PEOPLE STREAMING DAILY. i started watching at the beggining of exile AND I WAS OVERWHELMED CATCHING UP I HAVE NO IDEA HOW U WOULD DO IT NOW. its also impossible to watch a lot of streams cause UNLESS THE VOD WAS REUPLOADED A LOT OF IT IS JUST LOST!! FORVER!!! WHICH IS KIND OF WILD! most stuff with lore you can find clips of BUT THATS STILL LOTS LOST!!

Another big thing is the fandom THE FANCONTENT LITERALLY CARRIED IT.

the animatics, songs and fics, cosplays and fangames. they were all So Important

ALSO HOW THE COMMUNITY EFFECTED THE STORY. not just with story polls like the exile and election ones but like. headcanons being made canon. FOR EXAMPLE - c!quackity and c!tubbos scars and stuff. TECHNOS YOUTUBE CHAT WAS EVEN CANONISED - being voices he could here that pushed him towards violence (pretty sure he canonised that one MAYBEBEE on the first stream of his i saw???) his stupid sellout bell he'd just sit there and ring every like half an hour and he'd make all the other streamers join in SOMETIMES IN THE MIDDLE OF LORE it was so funny. TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES

anyway WANT TO GIVE A BIG SHOUTOUT TO ALL THE DSMP FANFIC WRITERS. the post-exile bedrockbros ones are everything. the aus are actually crazy I HAVE READ SO MANY SUPERHERO ONES AND ROYALTY ONES AND HYBRID ONES AND SPACE ONES THEY ARE ACTUALLY THE WORLD. passerine is the one everyone knows AND FOR GOOD REASON BECAUSE ITS SO. im so grateful for passerines exsistance actaully cause it helped introduce more people and also ccs positively to fanfiction WHICH MEANS THE WORLD sad-ist a really popular animator did an animation with it here AND A BUNCH OF THE CCS WATCHED IT and niki read it on stream :D And i just think thats cool! of course a lot of people don't want ccs to read their fics BUT THE NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS TO IT MAKES ME SO SAD

The fandom has a reputation for infighting AND PART OF IT is beacuse lockdown and the fandom was Huge and everyone had nothing better to do (some of the stuff happening on dsmp twitter especially was WILD). but Also. all the different perspectives gave u a Wildly different experince depending on who you watched. LIKE silly example. jack vs tubbos nuke test/c!tommy assassination stream HAD SUCH DIFFERNT VIBES WAS SO FUNNY. or like watching the butcher army through like quackity vs techno. AND CAUSE OF THE SIZE WAS difficult to dedicate yourself to every character. so then u got like. character apologists and stuff (although how some people ended up as c!dream apologists i will Never Know LIKE. WERE WE WATCHING THE SAME SERVER??????) erm anyway. love you c!tommy

TALKING ABOUT HOW BIG THE FANDOM WAS. I think viewship peaked on tommys channel at like 600000 viewers in the disc finale WHICH LIKE???? WHAT????????? TAHTS SO MANY PEOPLE?????????????

I find it so funny when people dont like dsmp fans cause sometiems (not so often now but it still does happen) i see someones dni and they have like. PROSHIPPERS, TRANSPHOBES, RACISTS AND TEHN LIEK FUCKING DSMP FANS IN TEH MIDDLE????? GIGGLING WHY IS A MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY SERVER THERE???? yeah it was cringe IT WAS MINECARFT ROLEPLAY WITH. QUESTIONABLE ACTING AND STORYLINES. but also IT WAS SO FUN AND A SOURCE OF JOY FOR SO MANY PEOPLE INCLUDING ME!!! CRINGE IS AWESOME!!! if you're reading this please be cringe embrace your intrests cringe is Dead


Anyway im going to talk about The Egg now. OKAY SO THE EGG WAS LIKE THIS GINAT MIND CONTROLLING EGG and it like.. infected people and then they'd want to infect other people. There were all these red vines that started gradually taking over the server AND ALTHOUGH THE PEOPLE MOSTLY INVOLVED WITH i didnt watch frequently. i'd just watch the lore-y clips AND THE RED BANQUET that was cool ITS SUCH A FUN CONCEPT AND I WISH IT GOT EXPANDED ON MORE. like.. what was it gonna hatch into?

THE REASON I MENTION THIS is theres a fic called Rewind. pretty popular one that has actually the coolest worldbuilding ever AND I JUST. so its a c!tommy protege fic (THEO ILY) and also a time travel fic... so basically tommy and tubbo (now theo and toby) travel back 10 years from the future to the elections BECAUSE IN THE FUTURE THERE WAS A BIG APOCOLYSPE AND TEH EGG TOOK OVER EVERYTHING. i love how it expanded on the egg talking to people thing... And it went into like. certain different plants the egg created. like the flowers that explode when you hit them and stuff like that. they had to terraform the nether to get away from it and even that wasn't enough. and to get eveyrone to the nether toby had to unite the piglin factions so they could stay there.. (lmanburg was like. lots and lots of people not just the main server members was a whole nation) ITS SUCH A BIG FIC THIS PROABLY DOESNT MAKE MUCH SENSE BUT TRUST ME IT WAS COOL.

Oh yeah theo and toby (future tommy and tubbo) FUCKING HATE EACHOTHER. well. okay no toby wants theo to come home and theo doesnt want to!! cant.. want to actually. he has a loyalty enchantment binding him to c!dream ERMMMM. protege fic. yeah that man is. Not Doing Well at like any point. BUT HE DOES HIS PART TO MAKE THE FUTURE BETTER TOO. hes so angsty its so funny love you theo


i'm now going to list some of my favourite dsmp animations and talk about them WHICH IS SO SO SO FUCKING DIFFICULT CAUSE THERES SO MANY but I'm gonna do my best


okay so this is one is also once again difficult BECAUSE THERES SO MANY. i literally have a spotify playlist with um currently. 223 FANSONGS THAT ARE MOSTLY DSMP (theres a few hermitcraft and empires ones too) BUT THATS THERES MANY. shoutout to hit artists amanda fanagan, derivikat, kroh, kanaya, halfy and winks, precious jewel amor and ian has opinions for the songs they made THEYRE SO EVERYTHING

Once Upon A Time - Amanda Fanagan + Beetlebug + Kanaya (Woompfy)

THIS SONG. THIS SONG!!!!! it makes me so emotional. it really gives the vibes that this tumblr post talks about. like the events of the dsmp being told centuries later by its future generations. long after lmanburg is gone. I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT. read the tumblr post its really cool. AND AND AND THIS ANIMATIC. THIS ANIMATIC. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE WATCHED THIS ITS its one of my favourite dsmp aniamtics ever. was really fighting over which section to put this in. BUT ITS SO. LIKE LIKE THE CHARACTER DESIGNS, THE WAY EVEYRTHING SHIFTS INTO EACHOTHER, THE COLOURS. I JUST. god. i love it so much. it makes me cry IT MAKES ME CRY SM I LOVE IT

REVIVED - Derivikat

SHOUTOUT TO DERIVIKAT!!! One of the big dsmp artists AND FOR GOOD REASON HER SONGS ARE AMAZING!!!!! doomsday, casino royal and voices ARE SO GOOD. putting revived here again seperately though because ITS SO FUCKING COOL. THE LYRICS ARE SO. AND AND I LOVE THE TRAIN SOUNDS IN THE BACKGROUND (derivikat is so good with this) LIEK HOLY SHIT??? AND AND THE ART. the flickers back to ghostbur actually Destroy me - quaramello your art is Amazing

Lonely King - CG5

NOT ONLY IS THIS SONG SUCH A BANGER BUT THE ANIMATION. THE ANIMATION!!!!!!! ROARRRRRR!!!!!!! i Love DICEShimi's art SO MUCH they've made a bunch of c!ranboo stuff too WHICH I'LL PROBABLY ALSO PUT HERE SOMEWHERE BUT. ITS SO. their cranboo is so Creature. ANYWAY LONELY KING. C!QUACKITY SONG. SO SO SO SO SO SO COOL. i actually drew fanart for this when it came out. remember watching it on loop for over an hour. LOVE YOU C!QUACKITY

Woe to the People of Order - Mizz Fish (cover)

THIS IS A COVER!! the original is also really good too though!! C!TECHNOBLADE SONG. i may or may not know it all off by heart. used to sing it so much. "I gathered my hounds and made them devour, The allies I once knew; sweet friendships now sour, And let explosions rain from on high, And gladly bid my final goodbye" C!TECHNO YOURE SO COOL.

Disappear - candlebard

C!WILBUR SONG THIS ONE MAKES ME FEEL SO NOSTALIGIC. one of the first dsmp songs I listened to i think AND ITS SO BEAUTIFUL. I get a similar feeling from "November 16th" by Kayana i love them so much. they make me so emotional. i keep typing that sentence BUT ALL OF THESE MAKE ME SO EMOTIONAL.

Letter To A Dead Friend/Letter To Mr. President - Precious Jewel Amor + Kanya

C!CLINGDUO EXILE ERA SONG. I REMEMBER WHEN THSI PREMIRED AND HAVE NO STOPPED THINKING ABOUT IT SINCE. them both singing at once AND THEN WHEN THEIR LYRICS MATCH UP IT MAKES ME SO EMOTIONAL. c!tubbo "I used to tell you that I'll never leave" c!tommy: "we were supposed to fight together"

Fate Worse that Dying - ariZona

another thing very much tainted by wilbur soot bc its a jubilee line cover HOWEVER. THIS SONG IS SO COOL. I love how they put the voicelines into the song AND THE LYRICS ARE JUST DEVASTASTING ITS. yeah. yeah. yeah. I love the bit at 2.00 where it picks up its. IT MAKES ME EMOTIONAL. "I'm waiting for a train (though i know it will never come)" WHAT ETHE EFUFUCKCK IMMM AND "If i close my eyes and think of home, maybe it will be okay. but i dont have any blue to take away the pain" URURGRHHR GHSOSTBUR "

THERE ARE SO MANY MORE so made a playlist with my favourites (had to limit myself again there's so many i love) just click top right and pick one. JUST ONE. I PROMISE THEY ARE ALL SO SO SO SO GOOD. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!