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JUST ME YAPPING!!!! gonna be real unsure how much sense this will make to other people



GOT MADE A PLUSHIE OF MY OC ON ARTFIGHT????? AN ENTIRE PLUSHIE?!?!?!?!? i cannot tell you how just. A PLSUSHSHIEIE. AND THEN!! AND THEN!!! THEY MAIILED THEM TO ME!!!!! AND AND NOW I CAN HOLD THEM IN MY HANDS I JSUST. i actually spend my days just sat staring at them THEYRE SO SO SO COOL. ENTIRELY HANDSTITCHED AND SO WELL MADE i dont even ahve the words to describe how happy they make me but shoutout to flipwizard on artfight and here is some images of them because ive been taking them everywhere

(they're called puddle btw SILLIEST WOF OC TO EVER)


right okay. do not fear. I HAVE OFFICALLY EDITED THIS DOWN. CAUSE IT WAS LITERALLY 1.5K STRAIGHT OF ME TALKING ABOUT HUNTER TOH FICS. this is still like. unreadable. However its a bit better

ARTFIGHT HAS BEEN SO FUN!!!! SHOUTOUT TO THE. 16 PEOPLE????? WHO HAVE ATTACKED ME. Theyre so silly I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. i am however SLIGHTLY STRUGGLING TO KEEP UP WITH REVENGES. its okay actually. i'll get them soon. can't escape. the little animation on the right was part of an attack for my friend :D ITS VERY PATCHY and when u put it on discord he duplicates for some reason. HOWEVER I LOVE HIM

I HAVE ALSO UPDATED THIS SITE SLIGHTLY!! well i do that often. but i changed my url because i realised if u search eski eskiinox u get my socials and this site AND I DIDNT REALLY WANT THAT!!! like i dont mind people finding it but id rather they find it not through my main socials. right now its dandelionowlcat BUT CONSIDERED dandelionmothcat STILL DECIDING. i really want owlcat rather than mothcat but dandelionowlcat looks kinda weird. HMMMMM dandelion-owlcat???? unsure. WILL FIGURE IT OUT SOON!!!!

OC RAMBLING TIME!!!! (sorta tw injury and abuse.. shes a grimwalker)

um we are back to toh. i can't Get Away (IM LIKE 2 EPS AWAY FROM HOLLOW MIND IN MY RELISTEN AND IM SOOO) anyway. GRIMWALKER OC CALLED PERIL!! (totally stolen from wof)

okay so peril knew she was a grimwalker from the start and because of this didnt think she was alive or had real emotions for most of her life (ermmm would never steal this from a certain other grimwalker oc...) ANWYAY she loves palismen and sees herself as one of them. she doesnt have a sigular palismen of her own but befriends lots of them (she can understand them regardless of if theyre bonded. grimwalker thing) they like to help her out on missions give and her little gifts and also try to convince her to Leave Belos. TEHRYE THE ONES who help her realise that shes alive - cause like. theyre alive. even made of palistrom. so she must be too (SHE TOATLLY BEFRIENDS FLAPJACK BTW)

most of the time shes out on missions, sometimes for several weeks at a time (she actually helps gather the materials for the next guard) and barely interacts with people other than belos. this is not helped by the fact that the kingdom is still in its earlyish stages so more people dislike the emperor and then are hostile to her. yeah all her friends were palismen or like other creatures of wild magic.

shes technically not allowed to show her face (tho the palismen probably convinced her to sometimes. its easier to walk around town when you're not dressed as the emperors right hand) and she doesnt talk to anymone in the castle SO WHEN SHE DIES!!! THE ONLY CREATURES THAT REMEMBER HER!! ARE THE PALISMEN!!! its okay i'll be honest shes probably happier that way - didnt really like witches

oh and her scar across her face was from the time belos tried to carve her ears so they looked human haha. but she struggled and the knife slipped across her face instead. and then belos got angry and decided she wasnt human enough anyway to even bother. so now she just has one wonky ear haha

i think she was probably created at like 17. dies maybe at 19? she doesnt live very long. too invested in wild magic. OH AND she doesn't talk very much but likes to ramble to the palismen sometimes. she also does this thing where she just goes dead silent when shes anxious. ERMMM side effect of living with belos who doesn't really like her talking.

THE AWESOME DRAWING ON TEH SIDE WAS DONE BY Ghostjellyy_ ON ARTFIGHT!!! i actually died when i saw it. im so im so. LOOK AT HER. MY DAUGHTER. definaeltly giving her that owl palismen... and maybe wings CAUSUE URGRHRH IM SO. and then the one on the left is her ref :DD


okay. so. I know i said this wasn't a fanfic update page. BUT BUT BUT I READ THIS ONE AND OH MY DGDOD. OH MY GDOD. im obsessed with someones fucking toh oc now actually Kill Me. I dont want to ramble about it too much here.. i already did that elsewehere but FUCK ITS SO. there's like 6 who animations for it too... and i jsut. NONONO NOT TALKING ABOUT HIM HERE. right.

I MADE SKORP IN PONYTOWN!!! have been doing some ponytown. have been doing some skorping. HAVE I TALKED ABOUT SKORP HERE?? its okay i dont need to Everyone Loves Skorp

ill add more later.. i litetrlaly jsut wanted to put silly golden guard oc on my webiste... im going to draw my silly oc nox as the golden guard now. I MEAN WAHT i mean WHAT what i mean WHAT

THIS IS LATER. so surprise. i read a princess luz au fic - she killed belos it was so good (and emotionally distresisng) BUT THEY WERE LITTERLALY NOX AND MO (hit ocs belonging to me and my friend) NOX WAS ALREADY HUNTER!CORE BUT THIS. THIS WAS LITTERLALY THEM. and now... I've been thinking more about them... like what if. no. i can't use the belos assigned fake hunter backstory on nox. BUT HEAR ME OUT. no. BUT WHAT IF. it would... I Might. this saves me having to give nox actual parents. royal family took them in... they weren't really raised to be her sibling. but they were raised sort of togetehr... god. instead of a grimwalker sitution it would be like. to keep mo in line or something. they certainly weren't raising her.

LUZ AND HUNETR IN THIS WERE. SO UNHEATHILY CODEPENDANT. hunters loyalty was freaking her out and she was like barely holding herself together. which yeah. mo. litterlaly nox and mo. (thinking about how nox would adjust to life away from the castle... not well) gonna fall off a cliff now i Think (ALSO NOT THAT THERE'S THIS KIND OF MAGIC IN THEIR UNIVIERSE BUT I COULD SO SEE MO BECOMING OBSESSED WITH WILD MAGIC AND NOX BEING MORE CAUTIOUS AND AND AND)

anyway. btw if anyone was worried about my owl house obsession disappearing. IM REWATCHING IT!! hahahahah so. erm. its not. leaving. I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED. this happens sometimes BUT IT USUALLY LASTS A WEEK OR TWO MAX. NOT OVER A MONTH.

c!tommy come back to me you're also my everything ever actually. I'll draw benchtrio again somewhen. c!techno my world i miss you.


Okay. this isnt a fanfiction updates page. HOWEVER. HOWEVER. this fic.. where where hunter is a phonenix. resurrected over an over again IT WAS SO. IM SO. he was like. calebs body but with a phoneix heart. very diggory graves. AND I SJSUST. and thsi other fic where grimwalkers are giant dragons AND KILL ME KILL ME WITH FIRE

I ALSO LOVE THE FICS WHERE where lilth helps hunter CAUSE IT DOENST HAPPEN ENOUGH lilth is. a bit mischaracterised sometimes I feel and i love her

um. I promise I have a life outside of reading hunter toh fanfiction (I Dont) (I literlaly Dont) (someone save me) (still thinking about the one the other day it hasn't left me)

IN OTHER NEWS IN OTHER NEWS ITS ARTFIGHT SOON!!@!! I really love the colours of seafoam but went with stardust. because stardust. trying not to think too hard about it or I'll be conflicted. I MANAGED TO CONVINCE MULTIPLE FRIENDS TO JOIN THIS YEAR TOO!!! and I have. significantly More mutuals. which is wonderful. HOWEVER. it means I have significantly more people to attack. To destroy. there'll be nothing left when I'm done. snook I'm coming for you. gonna make models and stuff this year I think. and animations

ROARR ALSO MY FRIEND MADE THIS VIDEO OF US. ANS IT MADE ME LAUGH SO MCUH I watched it at liek 12am it was so stupid. it was broocks. hi broocks if you read this. actually who IS reading this. person who is reading this why are you Here. im just talking to msyelf. every time i write here it just gets longer and longer. this is after me cutting stuff out btw. surely you have better things to do than read this. go like. um. bake cookies!! and then give them to me. I mean what. what. you could even listen to hfth at the same time. I mean what. what. cant hear you.


i dont know what happened hes consuming my every waking thought IVE READ SO MUCH ITS NOT OKAY

This one last night i read especially... :HEADINHANDS: :HEADINHANDS: NOTHING IS OKAY URGRGRG its an au where Hunter never turned against Belos.. he knew he was a grimwalker the whole time but he ends up in the human realm with the others and its about him trying to deal.. with that. ITS SO. hes done terrible things and the others dont (and shouldn't) forgive or trust him but they're still nice? ish? to him and he doesn't understand why AND I JSUST. they don't know his name yet in this... apart from vee.. and they havent seen his face either

having rewind flashbacks THAT FIC WAS MY LIFE. tinaaos. that one was also my life. I found a notebook yesterday with my favourite fics from like. 2 years ago AND IT WAS SO LONG. and yet i remember them all vividly

I hope he gets to be Okay. (its currently ongoing) LUZ GIFTED HIM AN OWL MASK SO HE DIDNT HAVE TO WEAR HIS HELMET THE WHOLE TIME.. and then he got scared and angry and did an elias bouchard with all her insecurities it was a whole thing. not his finest moment gonna be real

so. im fine and normal. my obsession with this guy is actually deeply embarrassing and then i remember this is my site.

THERE WAS A HFTH EP TODAY. still havent listened tho because. okay so the fic. you know the fic THEY HAD A SPOTIFY PLAYLIST WITH IT AND ALL THE SONGS WERE SOOOOO. im gonna win hurts me. ICICLES TOO. "icicles dont soften when they die, so why should i" GOING TO DIE. all the songs are out to Kill Me. Sin triangle... i was sat in class and all i could do was imagine animatics to this au i still have No Idea what was happening in that lesson

Its becoming quickly apparent. This would be be better on a toh page INSTEAD OF MY LIFE UPDATES PAGE. but then im gonna have another hfth thing happen WHERE IT ENDS UP BEING A WHOLE FUCKING PAGE AND I JUST WANTED A LITTLE CHARCETR BIT TO TALK ABOUT MY FAVOURITES

Anyway. moral of the story. SHOUT OUT TO FANFIC WRITERS FOR MAKING ME EXPLODE tahnsk you guys are awesome.


MY MORT SKETCH ARRIVED IM SO HAPPY!!!!!! i was on my way to my history mock and my mother sent me a picture of the envelope STARTED STOMPING ON THE BUS had to force myself to clam down. i love him so dearly HERE IS AN IMAGE OF HIM HOLDING HIMSELF WITH PRIDE

THE MORT AND FAMILY BRAINROT IS STILL GOING STRONG!!!! IT HASNT ENDED!!!! BEING HELD TOGETHER BY MORT AND FAMILY FICS!!! i need them back before i actually Die. i made some picrews of them look at them THEY HAD PERFECT YARETZI OPTIONS i was so happy

new epsiode tommorow... protcol thursday... dunmeshi thursday... call of cthulu saturday... IM WINNING!!!!!!! i need to make my coc character so bad. soon.. people are scary

TODAY OR SOON gonna make that main intrest homepage i think. where i list all my favourite characters IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT HUNTER RECENTLY (by recently i mean today) AND I JUST NEED A PAGE FOR MY STUPID FAVOURITE CHARACTERS gonna throw them in the microwave


HELLO THERE UM um I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW WHO IS READING THIS!!! i shoudl make a guestbook. BUT YOU. YES YOU. i know who you are. okie dokie gc if ur reading this youre so silly gonna explode u with my mind. i need a name for you all. the 4 people ive given a link to

I CAUGHT UP WITH HFTH YESTERDAY!!!!!!! its 100% my fav audio drama ever :D Im sad i caught up because. waiting. BUT SO EXCITED TO INTERACT WITH THE FANDOM MORE!!!! nikignik... please be okay AND WHERE IS POLLY. WHERE ARE YOU APPOLLYON :( at least now i get to watch my friends go through emotional damage (have fun guys)

ALSO ALSO ALSO THERE WAS PROGRESS IMAGES TAKEN OF TEH INK SKETCHES AND I THINK THSI ONE IS MINE AND RAORRRRR. see past me. u didnt have to be shaking and wanting to die everytime u thought about it.

CONTINUING WITH HFTH IM MAKE ANOTEHR ANIMATIC (cant beleive im making a rick rounds animation) AND A MOTH COSPLAY1!!! wings in progress will probably put progress pictures here soon :D im also putting some of my art on redbubble as stickers BECAUSE I WANTED A MORT STICKER which is exciting :D i need. 3 more designs to make it public though

Fighting to say smth unrelated to hfth (i literaly have a whole page for that) GONNA LEARN HOW TO PLAY CALL OF CTHULU SOON HOPEFULLY!!! WHICH IS CRAZY!! ttrpgs look so fun im just. scared. of people. HOWEVER. THIS TIME. THIS TIME IVE GOT THIS. YEAH. YEAH. I am stormy. I am powerful. I am good at what i do. if i burst into tears um. not on me. erm. BROCOCKS DID IT!!!!

slightly later edit BUT HUNG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS TODAY AND IT WAS SO FUN!!!!!! went to a silly fair fed some pidgeosn led on teh ground made random sounds my favourite activities!!!


OKAY ITS BEEN A LITTLE BIT BUT ACTAULLY WORKING ON THIS NOW!!! i have been having a good time recently!!! apart from.. geography. I Hate geography. i also might change the font bc this is Hard To Read at times

ON LIKE EPSIODE 115 OF HFTH (hlep me please i just want to be normal again) AND IM ACTUALLY DYING THIS PODCAST. it means the world i cant even put it into words (im going to put it into words on my podcast page soon. u just wait) I ALSO ORDERED A SKETCH COMMISSION AND IM SO EXCITED. however. im also afraid. because what if i ordered it wrong somehow and they hate me forever. BUT ITS OKAY!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE ROARRRR HFTFHFHFTH!!!!!!!!!!1 LOOK AT THEHHESE IM SOOOO!!!!! IM GOING TO AHVE ONE!! IN MY HANDS!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!

my friend fish fishisoepic. NOT ONLY GAVE ME THE HFTH DISEASE BUT ALSO GIVEN ME THE ROAR DISEASE WHERE I KEEP SAYING ROAR. NOT JUST TYPING. SAYING ROAR. OUT LOUD. its so embarrassing and im just stood in college and go ROAR!!!!!!! MORT POLLY AND YARETZI!!!! and want to Die. I keep like.. nearyly hyperventialting over them. (thansks fish)

IN OTHER NEWS. i met the pidgeon man the other day. okay so i was walking along. SLIGHTLY MISERABLE i was a bit tired. and tehhre... from the horizon.. APPROACHES THE PIDGEON MAN COVERED IN A FLOCK OF PIDGEONS. AND HE WORDLESSLY HANDS ME PIDGEON SEEDS. AND I HAVE LIEK 7 PIDGEONS ON ME . best day of my Life. im going to become the next pidgeon man. watch out

okay back to hfth. I MADE MORT REAL!!!!!!!!! he was seen by mx william a wellmen it was Crazy (i was jumping up and down bursting into Fire) here are some progress images!!!! I GOT HIS DOME AT TEH BOWLING PLACE I MENTIONED LAST TIME!!! and used sculpy to make him. if u ever want to do sculpting i 1000% reccomend sculpy its so good. He is a bit lopsided but thats okay its part of the Mort Charm

IVE ALSO been having so much fun on doing hfth tumblr asks ALOTHOUGH ITS SLIGHTLY SCARY WHEN I LOOK AT #HFTH AND SEE SO MUCH OF ME. hfth. its so. WHY HAS NOBODY LISTENED. ITS SO GOOD I PROMISE. also having a good time making my animatic. TEH FORTRH FUCKING ANIAMTIC I CAN FIND. its so over

i think from now im gonna leave it for ages and then post big rambles here bc this was very fun :D


GONNA ATTEMPT to code the intrests bit today... i a need mort and family section... thinking about Them. I ALSO went bowling today turns out im Awful at bowling.


so desperate to add a podcast section MALEVEOLENT IS MAKING ME INSANE. intermezzo.... ALSO HFTH thinking about hfth mort and family NEED TO CODE THAT IN SOON


RAHHH CURRENTLY trying code this page!! added the colours and now it looks a lot more like how it should do :D My cat is sat next to me hes being Very Helpful (he wants his food) i also found this silly divider BUT DONT KNOW WHERE TO PUT HIM so holding him captive here Look at him Go :D
