MY GOLDEN GUARD OC (FROM HIT SHOW THE OWL HOUSE)!!!! this page will have spoilers the owl house which if you haven't seen I recommend SO MUCH its everything ever to me


IF YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT TOH!!! the show is set in the demon realm, a magical dimension that exists alongside the human one. In the demon realm there are these creatures called palismen which are basically witch familiars and this is very important in regards to my daughter.

ALSO ITS RULED BY THE WORST GUY EVER (EMPEROR BELOS) who is actually secretly a centuries old, sustaining himself by Eating Palismen, human who wants to kill all witches (everyone there) (he's a witch hunter) ermmm so. He's also been creating clones of his dead brother (WHO HE MURDERED) and killing them one at a time, over and over and over again. for like a century. These clones (grimwalkers) usually act as the golden guard, which is like the emperor's right hand. AND THIS IS WHAT PERIL IS!!!! so as you can see. shes off to a Great Start. There's nothing fucked up in her life

OKAY SUMMARY OVER I PROMISE THAT WAS RELEVANT!!! peril is like way way way back from the canon timeline. so the only Big Character to know about is Belos. and a few others ig BUT YEAH


tw abuse abd dehumaisation (and just anything hunter goes through)

Peril is a grimwalker from well before canon, although the kingdom has been established. Because she's one of the earlier grimwalkers, she is a lot more creature-y (hence the wings and stuff) and also has the ability to turn into a palisman (a hawk!) Because of this, she acts as the golden guard half the time and also as belos' palisman (hes not openly hunting them yet so it helps him fit in better).

In her palismen form she does a lot of sitting looking intimidating (shes much larger than a normal palismen) and flying around the isles gathering infomation. in her witch form she more acts as a representative for the emperor for like, trade deals and treaties as stuff (the kingdom is much more fractured at this time) and does patrols, gets palismen, arrests people... kills people. golden guard stuff.

She also knows shes a grimwalker from the start (she actually assists with helping grow the next ones) and sees herself as a sort of, better, more advanced palisman (or i mean thats basically what belos tells her), an extension of the emperor not a real person.

HOWEVER!!! this changes when she meets an owl palismen (whilst in her hawk form) who is really nice to her and peril has her very first friend. usually she can understand any palismen regardless of if they are bonded but this the owl (rue) doesn't talk which peril doesn't mind because she Also Hates Talking so they just enjoy eachother's company. peril decides she likes being a bird more than a witch. At somepoint she ends up running into them as the Golden Guard and of course lets her escape, and rue figures out who she is because of this. BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE THEY STILL STAY HER FRIEND!!!

But now because of this new friendship, everytime she gives a palismen to belos she begins to hate him just. just a little more. and she also begins to lie to him as well, first like, omiting things and tehn just full on lying. AND ITS. SUPER STRESSFUL!!! but after making a friend she struggles to look at belos with the same blind loyalty and faith like she used to. she never really joins any rebellions (at least not yet) (that would involve interacting with witches) but she lets a few palismen go... and if some goes missing from storage then who's going to tell belos. not her.

Eventually Belos catches on to her, having recaptured a palismen she tried to set free (said palismen is a little winged starfox called Ace who was Hope's, a previous golden guard oc belonging to my friend, palismen) He tries to force her to break them to prove her loyalty but she's unable to and she ends up running away (saving Ace in the process) and finding Rue!! she now has exactly two friends!!! everypony cheer for my daughter

From here, Ace takes Rue and Peril to the bat queen for saftey, who who kindly takes peril in - although under the impression that she was just the emperors runaway palisman. and not also the golden guard who has murdered hundreds of their kind!!! It's nice for a while! Peril is very on edge at the start, treating the Bat Queen with the same kind of caution she would with Belos. But she eventually warms up to her

AND THEN. BELOS FINDS WHERE SHE IS and kills rue (probably along with some other palismen), leaving her as a lovely!!! nice!!! warning to return back home. Through this, the Bat Queen figures out who she is and casts Peril out (believing that she betrayed them)

From here shes running again and its miserable and shes scared and everything is awful. going to be real. wanting to watch belos Die is the only thing thats keeping her going at this point. She ends up joining some rebellions. She doesn't get heavily involved... just kind of appears myseriously sometimes and slips them castle insider infomation. helps out where she can without having to interact with anyone too much.

UNSURE HOW THIS BIT GOES EXACTLY but eventually, the rebellion she's involved with has a raid planned... or something similar and she volunteers to be the distraction (she knows she'll probably die but she wants to go on a revenge quest and End Belos Forever) obviously this does not succeed!!! yeah he murders her. but the rebellion accomplishes the mission they were trying to do.

AND THATS MY DAUGHTER EVERYPONY!!! her backstory changes so often this gets updated like every week!!! if none of that made sense here are two helpful diamgrams that sum it up quicker!!!

Extra more rambly stuff!!

  • I mention it a bit more below but the scar across her face was from the time belos tried to carve her ears so they looked human haha, as he did with his own but she panic tranformed part way. and then because of her usefulness in being able to act as his palismen he wasn't too pressed in trying to make her look human anymore. the scar also effects her vision and she cant see very well out of that eye

  • I'm still deciding if she has a wooden staff form (or if thats just for this one au where she survives which im writing. talking about it below!) BUT EITHER WAY Belos has a fake staff version of her so that both the golden guard and the emperor's palismen can be present at stuff. Looking at it unsettles her.

  • Rue was abandoned by her carver. she's young (maybe the same age as peril in years of Being alive) She's very very lonely when Peril meets her. Shes just kind of Alone in the woods... she doenst know any other palismen and has no witch. And because of this she just kind of latches onto Peril, even if she's not a witch, and stays with her after learning she's the golden guard because she loves Peril but also she can't bear to be left alone again. peril finds the blind loyalty terrifying but also clings on to her just as much.

    When Peril learns about rues carver abandoning her she gets upset on rues behalf and offers to go get revenge. Which rue does Not Want. Peril respects this obviously but really struggles to understand Why she wouldn't want someone who has wronged her to be hurt

    MAYBE OKAY. im still trying to figure out how I want palismen to work in this au (I've humanised them way more?? not quite sure thats the word. but for the sake of giving peril creatures to talk to) BUT THEY DEFINATELY INTERACT WITH THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY TO WITCHES. which peril likes. however it does leave her feeling out of place. theyre more focused on the present and more intune with emotions. they do talk (apart from rue she doesnt... maybe the reason she was abnadoned im figuring this out still) but not really in full sentences. NEED TO. THINK ABOUT THIS MORE. ill expand on it later

  • Because Peril also isn't very talkative they have their own system for communicating (bird sign language) that they just developed over time. Using their feathers and perils tail… rues like feather antenna things. Peril does say things sometimes but most of the time they both just enjoy eachothers company. When they get to bat Queens place she sort of talks more for them but. Also ace is there. Big yapper that one

  • When she finally starts experincing joy and whimsy with her palismen friends she relearns how to do bird things... embraces her bird insticts... which is joyful and whimsical. she probably slips up a few times with Belos though

  • erm and now a look into belos' mind!!! yay!! (me trying to figure out why this guy Does Things)

    belos' goal with his grimwalkers was to create a brother who loved him, who wouldn't abandon him and instead would stay and complete the mission they both had as kids (eradicating witch kind!!!) He was lonely, at least at the start. (I WONDER WHY.) He also did it for caleb, to try save his brother's soul by guiding him so he wouldn't go astray again. AT THE SAME TIME, he's also bitter and angry at caleb and so awful to the grimwalkers, punishing them for caleb's past supposed sins as he can't hurt his brother instead. Because he killed him. As the years pass and he watches them betray him over and over again, he starts to care about them more for what they represent, seeing them as mere shadows of caleb. By hunter he doesn't think any of them have a soul to save, seeing them as tools, a position that must be filled in his grand plan of eliminating witch kind (evident by the fact hunter had a coven sigil) yay!


    So the last several grimwalkers before her were failures, not fully formed and barely strong enough to get out of the ground. So when Peril emerged he was happy as although, yes, she had wings and talons, there were worse features she could have (wings can be bound, talons can be hidden. She looked more human than the last attempts anyway) So in a moment of, maybe this is the one who will listen to me... he attempted to carve her ears, as he did to his own.

    However, this went wrong as she panic tranformed part way (for the first time). And now belos has a bird for a brother instead. Part of him is tempted to write her off entirely, but he's in need of a right hand and her bird form could be very useful in helping him blend in.

    So peril becomes his new golden guard. At the start he's very strict on any bird traits she displayed. If she's a witch, then she's a witch. And if she's a bird, then she's silent and still, a palismen and not a wild animal. If his brother can control the wild side of him, then maybe there's hope.

    She ends up being very loyal to him, as all his guards are if they want to live, but her bird traits prove to be very useful and make her much more efficient. At some point he decides her soul is too corrupted by magic for her to be the brother he wants to save, the next grimwalker isn't ready so she gets to stay. He trusts her, more than Hunter anyway, which means she gets more freedom (she uses this to frolick in the woods as a bird!!)

    Peril isn't really a person to him, she's just another one of his failed creations which he knows he's going to have to put down eventually (for the good of his brother's soul) but despite this he's grown rather fond of her. She's quiet, effecient and hasn't formed any outside connections (he doesn't know about rue until later. but probably doesn't think palismen are intelligent enough to sway his guard). Andddd he also finds perils anger (which is sometimes less concealed than she thinks it is) amusing. He still trusts her though as he believes she's too scared to actually turn traitor. and also for as much as he forces her to repress her bird half, he also likes to use her instincts against her. yay!! an extra layer of conditioning for her to deal with!!!!

    um so long story short at first he dislikes her because of her bird half, but then he's like. birds are useful. I'm strangly fond of this one. also its's kind of funny messing with her bird half. (meanwhile she's growing increasingly less fond!) (she wants him dead!!)

  • In the begginning, peril is taught to hate her bird traits. (OKAY i dont know if she Actually knows about caleb. but if she does I think belos would have probably told her that she has bird traits because of calebs sinful corrupted soul (something he himself actually believes). and that she inherited that so there must be something Sinful in her too. meaning she has to work extra hard to make up for it. or something. However, as she starts to hate belos, she starts to hate herself as a witch instead. She sees her two forms as seperate things. which isn't great! Not just because thats Bad for her mentally, but also because she has to shift between forms. Not shifting won't kill her (otherwise she'd be so dead after the long hours she spends standing or perched still guarding various places) but it feels awful, and causes her to have less control other her bird instincts. (haha not great when you spend most of your time with belos.) (its sort of like nimona, sort of)


SHE GETS TO LIVE! giggling okay so everything is the same in this au except instead of killing her, Belos traps her in her wooden palsimen form for like 80 years!!! and then maybe forgets about her. AND THEN SHE GETS FOUND AFTER THE EVENTS OF SEASON 3 (they find her around 5 or 6 months? after watching and dreaming) and she gets to meet all the characters and finally heal. in this au this is probably where she figures out she's trans, or at least tells people and she learns to accept both parts of herself, which in the other timeline she never got to do... she really hated herself as a witch, especially towards the end.

IVE ACTUALLY BEEN WRITING THIS ONE AS AN ACTUAL FIC hopefully i'll write more. the first bit is all in Darius' pov WHICH IT WASNT'T MEANT TO BE? no idea how that happened. I don't think peril would even interact with him much so it makes not Much sense but IM REALLY PROUD OF IT SOOOO eveyrthing is fine THE STORY IS HERE!! if anypony wanted to read it... well the first part is anyway. writing peril pov right now!! one day I'll put her on a03

Anyway. so shes found and magiced back to normal but she's still extremely injured (meaning she can't just go fly off into the wilderness because thats 100% what she'd do) and is forced to interact with people. she hates this but she does start to bond with people and, by Hunter's presence, is convinced to not just Disappear. Although as soon as she's well enough to be a palisman, she stays in that form as frequently as possible, at the start.

She'd be very lost on what to do for a while (even if she had time Before where she was free from belos, a lot of her energy back then was going into survival, to not being found out by the Bat Queen or working with various rebellions). Peril is An Adult, she can live on her own (which she does do eventually!) but even after she recovers from her injuries, she has so much healing to do and so I don't think it would go very well. Her palismen friends are gone, she's in a different era, she can't go back to the Bat Queen and she also has No Idea how to look after herself as a witch after living as a bird for so long. And she needs to do that!! its very bad for her to stay in one for too long!! She does not know how to Person. Maybe at the start she'd be like thank you for healing me! yes I have somehwere to go! I will come visit! and just disappears into the woods WHICH DOESN'T WORK VERY WELL. SHE IS NOT JUST A PALISMAN AND SHE NEEDS FOOD AND SHELTER. so they drag her back to the owl house. she'd stay there for a bit but I think it would be a little overwhelming for her for a long period of time. I mighttt let her stay with raine whispers for a bit. She'd like that I think. whilst she figures out how to.. do. normal activities.

Eventually though, she'd end up a place of her own, not too far away, but not too close, in the woods. She's assist with the rebuilding efforts for a bit and then would help with the replanting of the palistrom trees. dell ends up with another grimwalker apprentice I guess. AND THEN... im not really sure. ill edit this later when i have more ideas just rambling here but maybe something with palismen... but as much as she Is One of them. and that tehyre easier to talk to than witches. that doesnt mean she's really socaible and good friends with them.. she's too guilty HMMMM


She of course bonds with Hunter (long lost siblings!) and im considering also making it a harpy hunter au so they can go flying together... (or ive been reading a bunch of werewolf aus... and he could be a werewolf and they could go play in the woods together.) She follows him around a lot and likes to hang out whilst he's carving palismen. She still hates speaking (although its less of a problem than in Modern au as, whilst when she's upset she does talk like belos, most of the time her thoughts and speach are more palisman like.) But yeah she's still good at lying and manipulating and also has anger issues which she knows and hates and thinks is worse than it actually is. This leads her into staying as a palisman more (also she feels safer in that form and kind of hates hersef as a witch) and saying as little as possible. Hunter eventually pins her down about this, talks aboout how he feels the same after belos possessed him and sometimes gets scared that he's not in control. yay! Also peril, very angry girl. And so is Hunter, but I don't think he would have been able to face and kill Belos like how peril wanted to (not when in an awful way he sometimes still misses the man) And peril tells him that he shouldn't be ashamed or feel bad about it (she knew the truth from the start and yet despite hating him, even she didn't rebel until she had to. that's what He does, gets in peoples heads.)

RAINE WHISPERS!!! she's friends with raine (maybeee lives with them for a bit). They're the right level of energy for her. THEY ALSO TEACH HER AN INSTRUMENT!!! (still deciding which because her shakey scarred hands are Not Helpful) But this really helps her express herself, despite her lack of words. she can't hurt people with music like she thinks she will with words (WELL SHE COULD WITH BARD MAGIC but she can't do that. this is Just Music)

Peril thinks Eda is really cool but is super embarrassed about this fact and won't tell anyone ever. um continuing later


SO IN ADDITION TO THE NORMAL TIMELINE!!!! there is also a modern au I made with some friends and their golden guard ocs. it's still very much being created but I will give a little summary...

THIS AU IS SET IN A UNIVERSE WHERE THERE'S NO DEMON REALM!!! however belos does still exist and surprise he's running a cult again. In addition to Peril, my friends' Golden Guard ocs Nicholas, also known as Cole, and Hope are also there (all alive at the same time!!!!) Nicholas actually has a toyhouse page if you want to learn more about them (YOU DO.)

so peril is still Belos' right hand in this (she's MAYBE actually related to him this time idk. figuring this out) and its horrible and terrible as in canon. SHE'S ALSO TASKED WITH TRAINING COLE who shadows her a lot of the time. at first she hates him... originally because why does she have to look after this small child, and then later because Cole is actually Really Good at things and she has worked her whole life to be where she is. She feels like shes training her own replacement

HOWEVER EVENTUALLY SHE WARMS UP TO THEM AND THEY END UP RUNNING AWAY TOGETHER! ALONG WITH HOPE!!!! still deciding what her realtionship to Hope is like whilst they're there. maybe they run to get away, or maybe to help the cult (and then they discover its Bad when they're out of there) okay going to be real we are So Murky on the details here

Things at first are very Bad. they're just trying to get as far away from belos as possible. then at some point someone takes pity on them and they're able to get shitty jobs... and eventually a home AND THEN A LOT OF THE AU IS JUST them trying to learn how to Live. they obviously have So Many Issues they're trying to work through. um they're all very emotionally repressed. so codependant. I've talked in detail about this in the Fun Facts section.. which okay maybe their trauma isn't very fun um. BUT. BUT THAT'S OKAY!!!! BECAUSE THEY HAVE EACHOTHER!!!!!

Peril ends up working in a bird sanctuary, run by bat queen, and one of the birds she ends up looking after is her Rue! (the logo for the sanctuary is flapjack btw) MODERN AU PERIL IS OBSESSED WITH BIRDS!!!! MEANWHILE nicholas works as a tour guide for a space mueseum. big on space that guy. definately yaps about the stars to her

They also manage to get Belos arrested. unsure how. They're both untrustful and also have been trained to avoid the authorities. BUT IT HAPPENS!!! JOY AND WHISMY!!!!! (untilthey visit him in prisonmaybe i mean what)

Fun details about this au which I can't fit chronologicallly!!!!

  • The way m!peril talks is very similar to Belos (she can be very good and lying and manipulating people) and she knows this and she hates this. This leads her into not talking unless she has too. Following along with this she definately has issues controlling her anger which also isn't wonderful for her self esteem and everyone around her! Her anger can be explosive but usually its more cold and vicious. she knows how to say things that will Hurt. Unfortunately her siblings are also belos' victims and her acting like him obviosuly isn't Great!! i wrote a one-shot about this the other day. (THIS ALSO HAPPENS IN THE OTHER AUS but she doesn't really live long enough for it to be as impactful. never gets the chance to start to heal. obviously it does effect her interactions with witches and palismen though)

  • Back with Belos, the only person she had to listen to was Him (and being terrible was encouraged and part of the job). So she'll follow Belos'every word without question, but everyone else. she just struggles to see the point in respecting their authority or even being particularly nice to them. LIKE SHE'S CIVIL but not particularly welcoming (bar like her siblings and a few other people she's close with)

  • Going to be real, her siblings are the only thing really keeping her going, at the start anyway. Working at the bird sanctuary helps her so much. But if she didn't have Cole and Hope I don't think she'd see the point of doing anything. She'd just. lay in bed and not take care of herself ever. She struggles a lot to adjust to doing normal tasks. Its not rare for her to try and do something... like make a meal. and then run out of energy halfway and just sit on the floor. It fustrates her a lot because she used to be able to do things, but again, now she's doing things for herself and not Belos it's suddenly impossible.

  • HOBBIES!!! she probably likes a lot of physical things - she'd be big on rollerskating and iceskating. maybe bouldering. and some kind of fighting... helps get her anger out in a Less Destructive Way. SHE'S A BIG BIRD WATCHER!!!! she and Cole go bird watching together. I don't think she's really creative (her hands get shaky sometimes and it fustrates her) but she has perfected her realistic bird drawings and likes customising her clothes. SHE ALSO LIKES THE DRUMS although someone would need to get her to start learning them because I don't think she'd start on her own. maybe raine whispers is here again...

  • I don't imagine modern au peril is the Biggest Video Game Fan but i think she has a DS she carries around and plays pokemon on... I need to finish making her a full team but if she was Actually a Pokemon trainer she would have one or two partner pokemon who she's very close with... a flying or dragon type she could ride.

GHOST??? AU???

Saw this super cute morningmark comic and IT MADE ME THINK ABOUT THE PREVIOUS GOLDEN GUARDS (as i often do) and then i got emotional because peril could have been there and this has made me think aboyt what she'd be like as a ghost and how she'd interact with hunter and her many siblings

OKAY WITH THE GOLDEN GUARDS theres various ways to do this. theres silly ghosts like the comic, but ive also read fics where the ghosts are more like echoes? that hunter glimpses throughout his life in the castle (IF I FIND THE FIC ILL PUT IT HERE!!) and i've also read a few where they're in his mindscape which was very fun. I DONT REALLY AHVE A PROPER IDEA ON HOW THE GHOST GUARDS WORK but it doenst matter too much I jsut want to write random thoughts about my dead daughter peril likes to try and fuck with belos. creep him out.

Watching the new guards go through the same shit she did would make her feel very small and insignificant but also I think she would start to realise that a lot of the stuff that happened to her wasn't her fault and over time some of that guilt would ebb away.

She's not the most friendly ever, and i doubt she'd be very welcoming, but at the same time she feels a kinship to all the grimwalkers that she'd been searching for among witches and palismen her whole life. Although now i consider this at the start, it would also be a bit strained as she does not like herself. terrible self worth. and after seeing them commit the same horrific acts as her in the name of the emperor, this hate echoes across them too. Another point to make is that unlike some of the others she Knew she was a grimwalker and had this grand idea of them in her head, which later in her life became a less grand one but she had a vison nonetheless.

If the other guards were there she'd make friends with Hope, or Hope would make friends with her. maybe they'd teach her sign language. She'd probably be quite taken aback by Hope at first because theyre so sweet to her but also can turn incredibly angry and vengeful if Belos is mentioned. Peril is angry too... especially at the start. her anger feels like all she really has left and if she lets go of it she doesn't know who she is anymore. But as decades pass it gets really tiring. She just gets numb, convinces herself not to care anymore. After all, it's not like she can change anything. I think this happens to quite a few of the guards. BUT THEN HUNTER HAPPENS!!! AND SHE STARTS TO HOPE AGAIN!!! AND HE FIGHTS AND HE SURVIVES and belos finally finally dies. she is so there watching his death. gleefully.

She also, of course, gets attached to Nicholas whenever he burns to death. sorry nicholas love you nicholas.

For a ghost au if she appeared to hunter. I think the guards would be more like the first option i said where theyre more like echoes... they wouldn't be able to talk and i also really like the idea that the ghost guards can't take off their masks because thats actually so fucked up!!! peril would Hate This. she would still get her wings and tail in her ghost form though as, although sometimes she bound her wings, they were mostly just hidden under her cloak. maybe she can switch forms too as a treat and maybe the guards can have the wounds that killed them as less of a treat. (this version is what the drawing to the side is based around!)


  • She was created to be about 16 or 17 (this is around the age modern au peril runs away) and dies in her mid 20s.

  • She'd like hatsune miku

  • HER WARRIOR CAT NAME IS GOLDENFLIGHT!!! it used to be Hawkflight. The first part changes instead of the last part because i liked it better but also something about giving up her identity. Giggling and hunter's name is Goldenheart and later when he runs away he changes it to wildheart....

  • She has a resting angry face. Part of this is because it just fits, but also birds of prey always look upset because of the shape of their faces and i think its funny if peril also looks pisssed off too.

  • HUNT/WEB AVATAR. suffocating in cobwebs my daughter :heart:

  • IF SHE WAS A DRAGON (wings of fire) SHE'D BE AN ICEWING!!! she'd like being all spiky... and the like. super fucked up heirarchy thing the icewing nobility having got going on is similar... (WHY IS IT LIKE THAT WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEEMMMM all the icewings are so miserable I swear) giggling she was actually named after peril wof. THEY HAVE SOME SIMILARITIES but i honestly chose it befoe I made her backstory. its a banger name for a golden guard. i think peril toh would find peril wof so annoying cryring. although she'd find Me annoying so that's not really saying much. thoughts of dragon!peril DEFINATELY DIDNT SPAWN FROM THIS FIC WHERE PALISMEN ARE DRAGONS AND ITS SO. slightly obssessed with that one.

LITTLE TINY ANIMATIC WITH HER!!!! some of my designs and stuff have changed now. but. love her so much



THIS SONG. honestly anything by sidney gish gives Major Peril Vibes, even if the song itself doesn't relate to her. BUT THIS ONE and also parts of sin triangle (the animatic above) are both so toh!peril and c!peril coded. the Audiotree recordings Especially so BECAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE PERIL COULD BE SINGING IT AND I JUST :HEADINHANDS: :HEADINHANDS:

The peril vibes mostly come from it relating to how she'd stuggle to live without belos, "unfortunately i am. My own dog, my own fur companion" and "every other day I'm wondering. what's a human being gotta be like?" In both versions, she stuggles a lot to function on her own and make her own descions... if it wasn't for Hope and Nicholas i think m!peril would have maybe just Died. or at least she wouldn't have recovered, she'd just be in survival mode. forever!!!

She's always struggled with her personhood. firstly because she never saw herself one and also because toh!peril is Not Quite a witch and Not Quite a palismen and she struggles to find her place with either group "for human grossly underqualified, for canine grossly overqualified"

um go listen to No Dogs Allowed. banger albumn

ICICLES - The Scary Jokes

ANOTHER ARTIST THAT GIVES MAJOR PERIL VIBES NO MATTER THE SONG!!!! i'm actually working on an icicles animatic that may or may not ever get finished... But. Its Real.

This song is actually wild because I swear every line i could link to a moment in her life. i was searching for the albumn image to put here and immediately found angsty c!tommy fanart to it which tells you a lot about this song actaully

"Icicles don't soften when they die, so why should I?" ERMMM OKAY "I can only be forgiven if I'm giving myself up to you, on a silver serving tray." and then it's like well okay but what about

"I'll stay golden and retreat
into my sweetest fantasy.
The one where you are crying
And I don't do anything at all"

and I think the spirit of peril possessed that one. except instead of crying it would be dying or something. she thinks about murdering that guy frequently. um. shoutout to my bird daughter :heart:

SO. SO. I LOVE HER SO DEARLY!!!! DONT KNOW IF YOU COULD TELL. I actually originally made her back in July 2024 around the time for artfight but for some reason Now is the time im super obsessed with her (its December 2024 as of writing this) GIGGLING if you go back to my rambling page of my website I know I have quite a bit on her old backstory there.

I HAVE ALSO written a bunch of really little oneshots with her. Putting this at the bottom because i'm so self conscious of my writing BUT IM ALSO REALLY PROUD OF THEM because i don't really write anything much ever. writing about her also brings me so much joy I should do it more i think. They're all on her toyhouse (along with her art) but here they are seperately. I gave them such dramatic titles it makes me giggle

  • That was Not a Palisman - THIS ONE IS STILL IN PROGRESS but um au where she lives!!! I talked more about this au in an earlier section but. very proud of this one. I DON'T KNOW WHY ITS ALL IN DARIUS POV THOUGH it wasn't even meant to be. he's not going to that relevant later. I was going to have it change povs whcih would amke more sense so no idea what happened there. BUT IM PROUD OF IT SO!!!

  • She's better - the yellow bird was a canary in this btw. because i was thinking about life series when i wrote it and also she should Leave!!! Now!!!! Immediately!!! i think this is the best one i wrote, proud of this one :D

  • She's just as bad as him really - giggling this was modern au. I SORT OF animated it (and then gave up) but in the second half Hope appeared to see if she was okay but Peril wasn't able to say anything. okay so yeah peril does have issues controlling her anger but it's not as bad as she thinks it is. She feels so much responsibility to look after her siblings, even though she knows they're plenty capable, but she does't know how to act anymore and she's so scared of fucking everything up. so scared that she'll start acting like Belos. which is obviously not going to happen but she's so overwhelmed with guilt and shame over it all the time that it paralyses her and she struggles to anything. She spent so much time around him that it feels like his voice is always in her head and she hates it so much. LOVE YOU MY DAUGHTER!!!!

  • Your friend, if you'd like to be - THIS ONE ENDS HAPPILY FOR ONCE!!! peril made her first friend everyone cheer and clap for her, thank you. the second half of this was very cute. I do need to figure out how to write rue though. need to figure out palismen. ALSO MY FRIEND DREW ART OF IT AND LOOK AT HER LOOK AT THEM BOTH IM GOING TO CRY


  • @broockksss (tumblr)
  • @Ghostjellyy_ (artfight)
  • @bicarb-of-soda (tumblr)
  • @pine0vercoat (tumblr)
  • AND ME!!!!!!!